Friday, May 29, 2009

Dining Room Dreams

So, this would be my dream dining room. Big, bright, and beautiful. I love the balance all the framed prints have and the how the room is formal without being stuffy. Now, to find a house with a dining room like this in my budget. I am a great thrift shopper and know I could replicate... the felling anyway. My dinning room table setting is still a work in progress. I will post once I get it finished. See the other rooms in this beautiful house here.

Photo from Veranda

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pretty, Pretty Things

Don't you love this handmade ring... some people are so creative and talented. There are some really pretty pieces where this came from... check it out!

Some beautiful rings on Etsy. I also love this one that I found on a recent post from one of my favorite blogs, A Room Somewhere. I was lucky enough to inherit my grandmothers wedding set and have been wanting to get the engagement stone reset. This would make a really stunning right hand ring. Check out the other great jewelry on

Contrasting Colors

Found this dress here on Etsy. Isn't it beautiful... the green with the orange is striking, fresh and fun. It would be fun for a wedding or even derby next year with a really fun hat.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer Tablescape

I rework my dining room table every couple months, and the time for change has come! I really love the tablescape from Better Homes and Gardens, I have a set of provincial placemats with lemons that could defiantly be put back into rotation. I will have to take a picture when I am done... I will keep you posted.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Garden Party Cont.

Or check out the post from Absolutely Beautiful Things that Anna shared... It will make you want to break out the lantrens and summer fare!

Garden Party

As the weather gets warmer images of outdoor entertaining float about in my head. Don't you wish you were one of the guests in this beautiful painting Garden Party by Jay McPhillips (

Remember These?

I am reliving my childhood as I watch my daughter, Lizzie grow. I stumbled across these on Etsy today and really want to order them. They bring back such good memories, I always loved spinning the little lace collar on the little girl. I wonder what toys Lizzie will remember when she is grown?

Check out Etsy shop66 for other cool vintage toys!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Morning

My two favorite things on Sunday morning:

1) Hot mug of coffee

2) The Sunday Courier Journal... especially the ads

Speaking of coffee, there is nothing better than a favorite mug. I just got the mug pictured above from anthropologie on a recent business trip to Boston. I love the shape of the handle and contrast of the black letter on the white ceramic.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

House Hunting

Our little family is currently searching for a new place to call home. Though we love our quaint Gunnison Home in the Highlands, we have just out grown it! Needless to say I am OBSESSED with online house hunting and room interiors. I have hundreds of rooms already played out in my head and can't wait to get decorating.

While dreaming of a life abroad and a bank account with lots of zeros I stumbled upon this estate in the Herault region of France. It is located 30 minuets outside of Montpellier where I spent my junior fall semester studying abroad.

I can just see my family enjoying dinner at the large table, eating local goat cheese, sipping Merlot and talking until we are so tired we can barely make it up the many stairs to our beds.

Getting Started...

Wow, I am finally starting MY OWN blog. I began following several blogs about a year ago and have wanted to start my own for about as long. But having a career as a graphic designer and spending countless hours at my work computer desk has kept me from doing so at home. That's when Eddie, my wonderful husband, knowing how much I wanted to start a blog, surprised me with a new laptop for Mother's Day.

So here is goes... I have no outline or true plan for this rambling. It will be something I will figure out as I go along, but you can count on it being eclectic, random and maybe even ordinary. I am not afraid of being ordinary. I am what so many others are. A wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.